The difference between truth and perspective

While we are here in this world, we are severely limited in our real abilities to recognize truth due to programming. Meaning we perceive a very limited perspective while we are here. We experience everything that exists through a distorted lens of programming, hence everything is based on a programmed perspective – but is that the truth? In a certain way yes, but it is important to define this as a programmed perspective and not a conscious truth.

Define your personal truth as a programmed and limited perspective rather than a conscious view.

Defining truth and perspective

Before we proceed, I would like to give you my definitions of truth and perspective. Perspective is based on a particular point of view and does not encompass a holistic or even complete picture of a subject. It is limited to a one-sided view and there are many or even infinite perspectives on any given topic.

Truth, on the other hand, would describe a complete picture of a subject – i.e. a universal or absolute truth. The Truth.

As mentioned previously, it is quite impossible to remember the absolute truth as long as we are in this distorted world full of programs and limitations. When we speak of truth, it is always a personal truth, i.e. a personal perspective.

Many perspectives to an absolute truth

Due to the limitations in this world, I believe that it is impossible to grasp the ultimate truth of life while we are here. Therefore, truth here is always based on limitations and distortions – i.e. personal perspectives. For example, when telling a personal story about an experienced situation, there are many other perspectives on the same scenario. The perception of situations differs enormously from perspective to perspective.

Everyone has a different point of view based on their own interpretation. These interpretations vary depending on personal life experiences, belief systems, traumas, etc.

Truth in this worldis always based on limitations and distortions,i.e. on personal perspectives.

Be aware whenever you consider a perspective to be the ultimate truth

Since we are strongly programmed and our ability to remember our innate truth is limited, we tend to accept external views as truths, even though they stem from a similarly programmed source. We yearn for relief on the path of seeking truth, hence we tend to adapt other peoples perspectives or experiences as an absolute truth.

Be aware that you need to question your convictions over and over again. Ask yourself where they come from and how they found their way into your awareness. Question everything – including your inner voice, because our intuition can also have programmed overlays.

Be aware of where the truths you receive come from and that everything is based on perspective – no one has the ultimate truth here.

Therefore, it is important to dive deep and commit to the path of inner work to shed away all programs and overlays. This will allow the truth of your being and this world to come through more and more.

The ultimate truth can only be found within. Therefore, it is important to eliminate programs and overlays in order to access an unbiased perception of the truth.

Thank you for reading this blog post!

If you would like to share any of your experiences or if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out. Feel free to get in touch via email or DM me on Instagram if you would like to work 1:1 with me. I am looking forward to hearing from you!

See you here next Sunday with a new article.

Have a wonderful day ahead!



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Change is a natural constant.


Be aware of looping