Space for thought and contemplation

This is a space where I share my own stories, thoughts and wisdom that I have found to be true through my own experiences and contemplations over the years. Enjoy!

Change is a natural constant.
Carina Harsch Carina Harsch

Change is a natural constant.

Why is change so uncomfortable? Why do we sometimes want to avoid change so much? Why do we as humans have so many problems, feelings of powerlessness and overwhelm when dealing with change? Change can trigger our deepest fears, traumas and horror stories…

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The difference between truth and perspective
Carina Harsch Carina Harsch

The difference between truth and perspective

While we are here in this world, we are severely limited in our real abilities to recognize truth due to programming. Meaning we perceive a very limited perspective while we are here. We experience everything that exists through a distorted lens of programming, hence everything is based on a programmed perspective – but is that the truth? In a certain way yes, but it is important to define this as a programmed perspective and not a conscious truth.

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Be aware of looping
Carina Harsch Carina Harsch

Be aware of looping

We may think that we walk our own path and are in control of our own destiny – well, I don't think that's true. The reason for this is how programs work and how deeply they are embedded in us. Most of us are so unconscious that we don't even realize that we are living our lives almost entirely in an unconscious or subconscious state, i.e. in autopilot mode. The autopilot mode is a highly programmed state in which we unconsciously run layers upon layers of programs to the point that our true awareness no longer comes through…

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How to stay on track with inner work
Carina Harsch Carina Harsch

How to stay on track with inner work

We all know this: real inner work can be hard and challenging. Keeping up with the inner work is not easy and bumpy along the way, yet with real commitment and willpower it is absolutely doable. Embarking on an inner journey is a decision that must come from within. No one can convince you to do inner work. Only with intrinsic motivation is it sustainable and effective in the long term.

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Dissolving programs with awareness
Carina Harsch Carina Harsch

Dissolving programs with awareness

Awareness is key. Only with awareness we can effectively recognize programs in ourselves and in others. But first one has to innerstand what programs are before one can perceive them for what they are. Essentially, programs are everything we are not. Meaning every fear, every belief system, every distortion or trauma reaction that throws us off balance or takes away our innate stability and clarity.

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The challenge of integration work
Carina Harsch Carina Harsch

The challenge of integration work

Integration is a key element of inner work. It is the process of embodying and fully internalizing insights that you have gained or remembered. Integration is being able to align your life according to these insights and the wisdom you have gathered. Before integration can happen, we first need to do the inner work of healing and rediscovering our innate nature.

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The power of authenticity
Carina Harsch Carina Harsch

The power of authenticity

Authenticity is a powerful quality of being true, genuine and real towards self and others. It is the ability to embody who you are and reveal your truth to the world. Being able to become truly authentic liberates one’s innate strength and a feeling of inner security in this world. When someone stands by their own authenticity, they increase their self-confidence simultaneously.

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A dream world – The illusion we live in
Carina Harsch Carina Harsch

A dream world – The illusion we live in

What was a game changer for me was the experience of what maya i.e. “illusion, appearance, deception” means. Such experiences help us to get the sensation and therefore the memory of where we are. It is necessary to get out of the head (= only theoretical understanding) into the experience (= integration of knowledge which creates wisdom). Experience may unlock our innate memory.

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The medicine of a master plant
Carina Harsch Carina Harsch

The medicine of a master plant

Ayahuasca is a master plant medicine from the Amazon rainforest. Working with its plant spirit is part of the indigenous culture in this region. There is a very strict and ancient shamanic tradition around Ayahuasca, as her teachings as a master plant can be very intense and therefore are not suitable for everyone. Hence I don't support the trend towards all the new spiritual retreats that are popping up everywhere.

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Simplicity in complexity
Carina Harsch Carina Harsch

Simplicity in complexity

This reality is quite complex if we consider its multidimensional nature. There is a never-ending aspect of complexity here – and at the same time there is simplicity. To understand and navigate this realm, simplicity in complexity is actually a very important concept to internalize. Let’s look at the concept of simplicity in complexity with an example.

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The fear of being 100% who you are
Carina Harsch Carina Harsch

The fear of being 100% who you are

The fear of truly being who you are makes “sense” on many levels, but at its core it is absolutely deceptive nonsense. In this blog post, I share my perspective on why the fear of being who you are is an installed fear and how it suppresses your true power and makes you believe you are nothing special. Let's explore this topic on a very deep level.

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Truth is not found in the practice
Carina Harsch Carina Harsch

Truth is not found in the practice

The revelation of inner truth is triggered through the use of various protocols and practices – eventually the truth comes to you the moment you remember it within. The practice itself will never be the truth, it will always remain a tool on your journey of remembering.

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The truth will always set you free
Carina Harsch Carina Harsch

The truth will always set you free

From my own experience, I can say that one of the best decisions I made was to start with the inner work of healing and regaining a sense of inner security before trying to understand the outer world. Make sure that you can always rely on yourself – in terms of mental and emotional stability.

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Returning to our nature
Carina Harsch Carina Harsch

Returning to our nature

The journey of remembering the truth within requires us to return to our nature. Returning to our nature can have various meanings due to different perspectives and levels. In this context, the most important meaning is returning to the truth of who we are i.e. remembering our natural essence within.

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The only way out is going within.
Carina Harsch Carina Harsch

The only way out is going within.

„The only way out is going within.“ – These are words I wrote a few months after a profound plant medicine journey with Ayahuasca. I will share more insights about my experiences with this plant spirit. For the mean time I have one very important notice: I would never recommend this experience to anyone due to various reasons and first hand experiences.

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Self-acceptance – Being okay with yourself with no exception
Carina Harsch Carina Harsch

Self-acceptance – Being okay with yourself with no exception

“Self-acceptance with no exception” is indeed unconditional self-love. Accepting yourself without exceptions means being absolutely and one hundred percent okay with yourself at any given time. And this may be a process – well, it certainly is for me.

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Untangling fear – How to clear the fog of programming
Carina Harsch Carina Harsch

Untangling fear – How to clear the fog of programming

Fear is a heavy construct that cannot be dissolved in a state of unconsciousness. It's obvious that you can't solve a problem if you don't know what you're dealing with. You need to become conscious within the program – that's the primary focus here!

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Become conscious of your fear programming!
Carina Harsch Carina Harsch

Become conscious of your fear programming!

All fear is a program that has been installed in the minds of mankind. This program wants you to feel weak and powerless so it can keep running inside you. It wants you to focus on what you are not. It keeps you in a net of disempowerment. And ultimately, fear distracts you from realizing who you truly are. 

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The truth is on the other side of fear
Carina Harsch Carina Harsch

The truth is on the other side of fear

Fear is the biggest barrier that keeps you from being who you are. Fear keeps you from living your truth and expressing who you are. Fear prevents you from living life to the fullest. Fear shuts down your innate abilities and talents. Fear keeps you from remembering who you are. Fear blocks clarity.

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The original sounds of nature
Carina Harsch Carina Harsch

The original sounds of nature

It's 4:45 am and snow is falling at my remote place in Kainuu, Finland, where I currently live. At this time of day it is already dawn and the sun may rise any minute. From the living room window I could watch it rise over the hill across the frozen lake – but the cloud cover is too thick today. I enjoy the silence on this early Sunday morning.

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