The truth will always set you free
Blog Post No. 8
Sometimes truth can be unexpected, uncomfortable and shocking — but the truth will always set you free.
The truth doesn't always feel pleasant – but why? Because we have forgotten who and where we are. We are “lost” in this world to different degrees. We may not see the world as it really is because of endless programs we run. The truth is not all love and light and ease. For we live in a world of polarity – a world in which we experience all the limitations of what we are not in essence.
In order to recognize yourself and the world for what it is, you may have to put yourself in situations where the truth can actually reveal itself in front of your eyes. Personally, I like to push my own buttons and limits to accelerate the process of uncovering truth. The understanding or rather the innerstanding of truth happens through experience or memory.
Start within – create inner stability and inner security
Before you go to your limits or dive into all kinds of deep rabbit holes, I would recommend working on your inner feeling of stability and safety first. At the very least, combine the inner work with outer research. Feeling safe in this world is the absolute key to innerstanding what is going on and seeing all the connections.
Feeling safe and stable within yourself is the key to being able to handle the unfiltered truth.
Natural beauty emerges when we are connected to our sense of security and confidence and ultimately to our own truth. Followed by the revelation and embodiment of our truth in the outer world.
From my own experience, I can say that one of the best decisions I made was to start with the inner work of healing and regaining a sense of inner security before trying to understand the outer world. Make sure that you can always rely on yourself – in terms of mental and emotional stability. Remember, you can only deal with the unfiltered truth in a healthy way if you are honestly strong mentally and emotionally. Considering this, prioritize the inner work over understanding the outer world.
Make sure that you work on your self-reliance – particularly regarding your mental and emotional stability.
You will be okay once you truly know and feel that you are safe
The true sense of inner security – i.e. the primal trust – can be reaccessed through a deep inner journey of healing and understanding who and where you are. The access to primal trust is always within you. Actually, the natural state of a soul being is truly standing in primal trust. Due to programming and interference from this world, the access to your primal trust may be blocked or restricted at the moment – but you have the power to reverse this at any time!
Deep inner trust and security reveals itself to you more and more as soon as you recognize and remember who you are.
I am very adamant about learning to trust yourself again. Prioritize your mental and emotional security so that you can really rely on yourself.
Closing words
It helped me a lot to start from within, because once you've experienced inner stability and confidence, the outer truth may still be shocking and hard, but you know deeply inside that you're going to be okay and that nothing can really break you anymore.
Ensure that you are safe and that your inner anchor is always attached.
Thank you for reading this blog post!
Feel free to get in touch via email or DM me on Instagram if you would like to work 1:1 with me. If you would like to share any of your experiences or if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out. I am looking forward to hearing from you!
See you here next Sunday with a new article.
Have a wonderful day ahead!
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