The truth is on the other side of fear
Blog Post No. 2
Fear is the biggest barrier that blocks you from being who you are. Fear keeps you from living your truth and expressing who you are. Fear prevents you from living life to the fullest. Fear shuts down your innate abilities and talents. Fear keeps you from remembering who you are. Fear blocks clarity.
Fear is the ultimate brake on your creative power as a soul.
Fear dissolves when we are connected with our inner nature and the natural world around us.
Generally speaking, fear is a huge psychological topic and I will not go into the details here. In this post I will share some core concepts about fear that I experienced and found to be true.
Fear is based on the belief that something is more powerful than you. We experience fear because the connection to our essence (in other words: spirit, soul, golden spark within, ...) is extremely weakened due to the heavy fear programming in this world. We don't understand or remember who we are and that scares us. Most people stumble around in the dark without any clue of who they are. If we remembered the truth within, there would be no reason to fear anything.
Fear feels real. It appears to be real. But it’s not.
Fear is an illusion.
Fear is a program of the reality in which we find ourselves. The fear program wants you to believe in it. That you live in it. That you react to it. That you give your power away to it. That you limit your potential to create only within the cage of your fears.
The fear program is a mental construct – like all programs. It has been installed through the experience of certain situations and traumas. The only power it has is your (strong) belief that your fears are real and true. Fear cannot exist without you believing it to be true.
There is no fear beyond belief.
What are common fear programs?
There are endless forms of fear programs. Fear is deeply embedded within the societal construct and is passed down through generations. I will list a few major ones here:
The fear of being judged, the fear of not being good enough
The fear of the unknown, the fear of death
The fear of darkness, the fear of being alone or loneliness, the fear of not being recognized or seen
The fear of failing
Existential fears (financial fear e.g. fear of loosing money, fear of not having enough money/ food/ …)
The fear of your own power, the fear of facing the unconscious within, the fear of own deep emotions
The fear of loosing control
Social anxieties
I'll be writing about programs in a future blog post – it is a huge topic. Keep an eye on this space if you are interested. Next week I will go into more detail on how to dissolve and work with fear.
If you would like to share your experiences with me or if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me via email. I am looking forward to hearing from you!
Thank you for reading this blog post.
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