Become conscious of your fear programming!
Blog Post No. 3
Fear can appear overwhelmingly real. It must feel real, otherwise you wouldn't believe in it, right? You wouldn't fall for the illusion, right?
What is fear?
All fear is a program that has been installed in the minds of mankind. This program wants you to feel weak and powerless so it can keep running inside you. It wants you to focus on what you are not. It keeps you in a net of disempowerment. And ultimately, fear distracts you from realizing who you truly are.
Obviously, fear is not who you are. Fear seems to be real because you can experience it – on a physical, mental and emotional level. For this reason, fear can completely make up ones reality. It is one of the most powerful programs in the world in which we all find ourselves.
Fear literally sucks you into the illusion.
As long as you are identified with your fear programs, they will continue to shape your reality. The fear programs form your life experiences simply by the fact that you have the belief that your fears are real. This is how strong the power of your belief is. Your belief literally gives fear its power. And this is how your reality is created – by your own beliefs. You project your experiences outwards based on your belief systems.
You have probably heard the saying: “The outer world is a reflection of your inner world”. Perhaps you know from your personal experience that this quote is true. Your belief systems shape the reality around you. That is why you may experience situations in which you feel anxious – the fear program in you is still activated. Without your belief in fear, there would be no fear in your field.
Fear becomes real because you give it your power.
My current home is in the middle of nowhere – a scenic and quiet place in the woods. As peaceful as it may seem, the complete solitude in the dark can trigger some deep fear programs.
How can fear be dissolved?
First of all it it important to understand that you are the only one who can free yourself from fear. You are the only one who can reclaim your innate power. That is how strong you are!
To free yourself from fear you need to realize that fear is an illusion. This realization comes with a sense of knowing and seeing the illusion for what it is. For me, it was going through a process of experiencing fear without being consumed or overwhelmed by it. Become the observer and feel that fear has actually no power over you as long as you don’t believe it to be so.
The fear program needs to be dissolved in ones mind. This is an inward process of detangling the fear program layer by layer. This might not be done by tomorrow – there are no quick fixes. Rather is a journey of truly reclaiming your power.
Become conscious of what was unconscious before.
It is a journey of healing the deep wounds and programs inside you – from childhood until current day. Bring awareness to the unconscious programs that run inside, limiting and distracting you from who you truly are.
Remember, you are the only one who can free yourself from fear – through realizing the deception and stepping out of it. Dissolving the illusion from within.
Disillusion yourself.
I will continue to write about fear next week. It will be about why it is so hard to dissolve fear and overcome it.
If you have any questions and would like to share your experiences with me, please reach out via e-mail or DM me on instagram. I am looking forward to hearing from you!
Thank you for reading this blog post. See you here next week!
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