Untangling fear – How to clear the fog of programming
Blog Post No. 4
Fear is a heavy construct that cannot be dissolved in a state of unconsciousness. It's obvious that you can't solve a problem if you don't know what you're dealing with. You need to become conscious within the program – that's the primary focus here!
The fear programming can only be dissolved in a state of conscious awareness.
Becoming conscious and aware means stepping out of the dark in order to see what fear actually is – an illusion. You have to be willing to recognize the illusion behind the fear. If you are not ready to do this, the fear cannot be resolved at its root.
If you haven't read my previous blog post "Become conscious of your fear programming!", I recommend you read that article before you continue reading here.
Why is it so difficult to dissolve and overcome fear?
First of all, it is not part of our original state as soul beings to experience fear. However, in this reality we are more or less cut off from our natural instincts and intuition. Our inner spiritual connection is deeply wounded and weakened due to severe programming and distortions in this world.
In order to dissolve and overcome fear, it is crucial to understand, or rather innerstand, the mechanisms of this reality. More on this in the future.
The feeling of difficulty to dissolve fear is part of the illusion. It is part of believing that fear has any power over you. Remember, it is your belief in fear that keeps your fear alive – your belief keeps the fear programming running, so to speak.
Fear is the greatest deception of all. There has never been and never will be anything to fear.
We have forgotten our true nature as divine beings and are almost completely disconnected from our inner essence – which would be the feeling of innate inner security and stability, unconditional self-love and towards others, unconditional self-acceptance and honest acceptance of others and deep trust in our own powers.
Fear keeps you away from accessing the truth within.
Fog is a metaphor for not seeing through something – exactly what is also caused by fear. It obscures visibility and clarity of an aspect or situation, making it difficult to discern what's really going on.
Why should one confront fear?
To realize that fear is an illusion. And what might happen when one confronts fear? The fear programs may appear bigger and more extreme at first, because those programs want to keep you from realizing that they have no power over you – they will fight until their last breath. Fear dissolves when you no longer believe in it. And that will be the moment you no longer give your power away to that program.
Fear disappears once you remember who you are and step into your true power.
How to untangle from fear?
As mentioned above, fear can only be dissolved within a state of awareness. Practices for becoming more consciously aware are meditation, self-observation and self-contemplation, journaling, breathing exercises and so on – really anything that brings you into a state of present awareness and heightened alertness. Practice getting into a conscious state often – break out of the autopilot loop!
Whenever you experience fear, you shall realize that fear actually has no power over you and that it dissolves over time through your conscious awareness and observation. Realize that fear cannot actually harm you.
My personal insight
In fearful situations, I pause and I try to focus only on my breath in order to become fully aware in the moment. If possible, I sit down, slow down and observe my breath and hug myself. I stay in that position or state of observation until I sense that the fear is dissolving. That is the exact moment to realize that fear is an illusion! And you will see that as soon as the fear disappears, clarity and lightness return.
If you would like to share your experiences on dissolving fear with me or if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me via email or DM me on Instagram. I am looking forward to hearing from you!
Thank you for reading this blog post. Have a wonderful day ahead!
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