The challenge of integration work
Blog Post No. 15
Integration is a key element of inner work. It is the process of embodying and fully internalizing insights that you have gained or remembered. Integration is being able to align your life according to these insights and wisdom you have gathered.
Integration is the alignment of your daily life according to your inner truth and the insights you have gained.
Before integration can happen, we first need to do the inner work of healing and rediscovering our innate nature.
Keeping up with the inner work
Inner work refers to accessing your truth from within by healing and shedding all the layers or programs that you are not. There are many, many, many layers to uncover to get a glimpse of the bigger picture of what may have happened to you and in this world – i.e. who are you, where are you and why are you here.
Progressing on the path of remembrance requires keeping up with inner work. This can be very challenging from time to time, as the mentioned layers or programs will try to keep you from going deeper. These barriers are fear, pain and other interfering programs.
It can be a challenge to move forward on the path of healing and remembering, because the programs of this world can interfere and block access to the depths of truth.
Spending time in nature and silent places can be helpful in dealing with challenges. Nature rejuvenates and nourishes us with her relaxing essence.
Discipline and longterm commitment to Self
If one wants to access the deep truth within, it is inevitable to face interfering layers i.e. programs in order to move beyond them. This will require a great level of discipline as working with programs may bring up all kinds of heavy triggers and challenges. For me, this knowledge has been very helpful so far, because it gives me the courage to continue the inner work – and this is rewarded with more and more access to my inner power.
The mechanisms of this world will reveal themselves the more conscious you become and the more you observe and reflect on your own experiences. You will also become more intuitive and open to feel and sense what is really going on.
Remember that long-term commitment to Self is required.
How to work with challenges
Dealing with challenges can vary greatly from one individual to another. For some it may be helpful to sit in stillness, for some body movement is necessary and for others consciously working with the breath is key – and there are many more tools to explore. Note that the tool may vary from situation to situation.
Dealing with challenges becomes easier over time as you gain more self-confidence, trust and security in yourself. I'm not saying that the triggers will become less intense, but you will become more conscious of how to deal with those challenges – meaning that the shock or overwhelm phase is easier to navigate when you have more stability and awareness within yourself.
Overcoming challenges also requires integration work. As soon as you have gained new insights through challenging situations, it is necessary to integrate them into your own life. Living according to your realizations creates a feeling of liberation and relief since you inner and outer worlds become less different, i.e. they are no longer in fighting mode with each other.
Focusing on the path of remembrance and gaining new insights about yourself and this world requires discipline, commitment and sincere integration work. Keep doing the inner work. You got this!
Thank you for reading this blog post!
If you would like to share any of your experiences or if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out. Feel free to get in touch via email or DM me on Instagram if you would like to work 1:1 with me. I am looking forward to hearing from you!
See you here next Sunday with a new article.
Have a wonderful day ahead!
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