The only way out is going within.
Blog Post No. 6
„The only way out is going within.“ – These are words I wrote in my first integration guide, a few months after a profound plant medicine journey with Ayahuasca. I will share more insights about my experiences with this plant spirit in the future. In the meantime, I have a very important note: I would never recommend this experience to anyone for a variety of reasons and first-hand experiences. Also, I am not planning to do it again. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions – I am happy to talk to you.
Now, from my point of realization, there is only one way to the truth – and that is through the connection within. Every soul being has access to truth if they are connected within. No one externally has more or a better access to truth than you do. Therefore, it is crucial to cultivate the belief in yourself again – trust who you are. You will remember the truth through realizing who you are and where you are. And this will unlock everything else.
There is only one way to the truth – and that is through the connection within.
Seeking for truth externally
In this reality, we are very disconnected to different degrees from our inner True Self. We got blindfolded the moment we entered and have difficulties understanding and remembering who we really are. There are great distortions in place to keep us from seeing the truth. We try to seek the truth on the outside because we are so invested in the convoluted outer world. That's why it's so popular to seek truth externally instead of taking the direct inner path. It may feel safer to look for truth outside since we are extremely programmed to not listen to our intuition – the true voice within.
We try to seek truth onthe outside because we are so invested in the external world.
Traveling alone has expedited my process of reconnecting with my inner True Self and trusting my intuition.
Anything one does externally to seek the truth – i.e. using tools like taking plant medicines or other psychedelics, going on retreats, having a mentor and teacher, taking online courses, ... – should only be helpers with exactly this intention! The main goal is always to strengthen the inner connection.
Remember, no one has more access to truth than you do.
The eternal world is a never ending labyrinth
To me, the external world feels like a labyrinth, and everyone is pointing in different directions as to where the exit, i.e. the truth, is. What if there is no exit that you can find on the outside? What if every time you blindly follow someone else's theory, you end up in a loop? The only path you should follow is with your intuition – always let your own inner voice validate external advice.
Seeking external help
There is a big difference between seeking the truth externally or seeking external help. Remember that the truth lies within yourself. Since there may be strong walls and programs – we all have them! – that block or limit access to inner truth, it can be helpful to look for a mentor or teacher with whom you resonate. Keep in mind that there are no quick fixes! The fastest way to remember who you are is to really commit to the inner work of healing and reconnecting with your essence.
Remember, no one can tell you the truth. You need to feel and see the truth for yourself. Yes, there are people and external tools who can support you on your journey, but ultimately you must walk the path alone.
If you would like to share any of your experiences with me or if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me via email or DM me on Instagram. I am looking forward to hearing from you!
Thank you for reading this blog post. See you here next Sunday with a new article.
Have a wonderful day ahead!
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